When it comes to getting quality sleep, your mattress usually comes to mind. However, your bed pillow plays a vital role in your comfort, too.

Pillows can properly support you in different sleep positions. For instance, side sleepers may require a thicker pillow to promote spinal alignment, while stomach sleepers usually need a pillow with a lower loft.

what is the Bed Pillows?

A sleeping pillow is a type of bedding that supports the head and neck while sleeping. While lying down or sitting, other types of pillows support the body. Additionally, there are pillows that take into account the shape of the human body in order to increase sleep comfort.

What are the functional features of a pillow?

During sleep, pillows keep your head, neck, and spine aligned in what’s called a neutral position – with your head square with your shoulders. As a result, neck and joint strain is minimized in this position. A clean pillow is also a good pillow.

Typically, pillows are filled with polyester (a synthetic material), feathers, down, or a combination of these materials. Despite being durable, easy to wash, and causing few allergic reactions, polyester pillows are the least expensive to manufacture.

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