It is important to understand that a flat pillow is not the same as a flat tire; despite what you might think at first, flat pillows are intentionally thinner versions of regular pillows,sleep on your stomach.

placing a flat pillow under your stomach may help keep your spine in alignment with your head and neck. If you sleep on your side or back and use a flat pillow, placing an additional roll or rolled towel under your neck can provide additional support

Should pillows be flat or fluffy?

For side sleepers, a firm pillow is necessary. It may help to use rectangular pillows with panels on the sides; they are taller than standard pillows. Pillows that are thinner and softer may be more appropriate for back sleepers and stomach sleepers. Sleeping in a comfortable position is the goal.

How flat should your pillow be?

As a result, if the height of the pillow is too low, the neck muscles will also be strained if the height of the pillow is too high. It is recommended that the height of your pillow should be between 4 and 6 inches depending on your body measurements and personal preferences in order to properly support your head and neck (and shoulders when you sleep on your back).

How to sleep with a flat pillow?

Your spine may shift when you sleep on your stomach, putting stress on your back. Keep your spine aligned by placing a flat pillow under your abdomen and pelvis. If you sleep on your stomach, your pillow should be flat against your head, or you should sleep without one.

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